We were receiving following error in WHM while clicking “List Accounts” ->”All” link:
Can’t use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.2/x86_64-linux/YAML/Syck.pm line 72
For some reason, I have found that one of the domains hosted on the server was having invalid entry for CONTACTEMAIL field in /var/cpanel/users/user file. I have followed below steps to resolve this error:
1. Login to server via SSH as root.
2. Open the file /var/cpanel/users/user [Note: Replace user with your cpanel user name] in your favorite editor.
3. Search for CONTACTEMAIL field and make sure that the correct value is set for this field. I would suggest checking other values as well.
4. I have updated CONTACTEMAIL field and entered valid email address.
5. I have rechecked in “List accounts” -> “All” link and issue was resolved.
I hope this will help others who may be facing similar issue.