Google Page Experience Checker

Free Google Page Experience Checker

Designed by AccuWebTech AccuWebTech

Please fold your arms and wait a while, it will be entirely worth the wait!

  • Performance 0
  • Accessibility 0
  • Best Practices 0
  • SEO 0
  • Score scale:
  • 0-49
  • 50-89
  • 90-100

7 Key Factors For Better Google Page Speed Test Results



The Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), the first of Google's Core Web Vitals metrics, measures how quickly the main content of a web page loads; according to Google, a good LCP score is 2.5 seconds or less.



The First Input Delay (FID), the second of Google's Core Web Vitals, measures the time from a user's first interaction (clicking a link, tapping a button, or using a custom control) to the time when the browser is actually able to respond to that interaction. A good FID score should be less than 100 milliseconds.

Visual Stability

Visual Stability

The Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), the third of Google's Core Web Vitals, evaluates a page's visual stability by measuring unexpected layout shifts. A CLS score of less than 0.1 ensures a good user experience.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile Friendly

Over 50% of Google searches originate from mobile devices. Make sure your website is responsive and adjusts to every dimension.

Safe Browsing

Safe Browsing

Your website should not contain malicious (malware) or deceptive content and should be safe for all visitors.



HTTPS is your site's first line of defense when Google checks your website for Encryption, Data Integrity, and Authentication.



Web pages with intrusive pop-ups or banners that conceal actual content get flagged by Google because it ruins the user experience.

Dots bg

      No unsafe content found

      This page is safe for browsing.

      HTTPS Encryption found.

      The connection of this website is secure.

      Mobile Friendly Status

      Check whether site is mobile friendly.

      Non-Intrusive Interstitials

      Age Verification

      Identify required interstitials, such as age-verification popups and cookie notifications.

      Evaluate Popups

      Identify all other popups, and evaluate them according to the amount of space they take up.

      Third-Party Scripts

      Make note of any third-party scripts present on your website that might trigger popups. You will often find these if you use a CMS.

      Size Of Popups

      For WordPress users, check your plugins. You might have to adjust the sizes using the plugins’ settings.

      Dots bg

      App Specific

      These are optimization suggestions based on your app.


        These suggestions can further improve your page load time.


          These optimization suggestions will help further enhance your page speed.

            What is Google Page Experience?

            Google Page Experience measures how people feel when they interact with a web page. It was introduced in May 2020 and has since been updated.

            Google wants to highlight websites that are easy to use and provide value. In the past, Google focused mainly on website speed. Now, with the Page Experience update, it looks at more factors, like how quickly the site loads, how easy it is to use, and how helpful it is to visitors. This update makes user experience more important than ever for ranking well in search results.

            Google looks at several key factors to understand how users feel and interact with a web page, such as:

            • Core Web Vitals: Metrics that check how quickly a page loads, how responsive it is, and how stable its layout feels to users.
            • Mobile Usability: How easy it is to use a page on a mobile device.
            • HTTPS Security: The use of secure HTTPS instead of HTTP for website URLs.
            • Intrusive Interstitials: The presence of any pop-ups or ads that interrupt the user experience and block content from view.

            The Importance of Optimizing for Page Experience

            Optimizing for page experience is crucial for both SEO and business growth. When your page offers value and a great user experience, it can lead to:

            • Better SEO: Google rewards pages with a good user experience by ranking them higher in search results. This means more people are likely to find and visit your website, bringing more traffic.
            • Increased User Engagement: A positive page experience encourages users to stay longer and interact with your content. It can reduce bounce rates and keep visitors on your site. Plus, it can make them explore more pages or return in the future.
            • Higher Conversions: If users have a great experience on your site, they are more likely to take actions like signing up or purchasing. A good page experience builds trust, making visitors more likely to become customers or leads.

            Hosting Designed for Speed and Success

            Websites hosted on AccuWeb enjoy exceptional performance and robust security features that can enhance user experience and improve search engine rankings.

            Frequently Asked Questions