Difference: Web Server vs Application Server


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  • Ryaan J.
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2022
    • 108

    Difference: Web Server vs Application Server

    Hello everyone,
    Please let me know what is the difference between Web Server and Application Server.
  • Christian J
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2022
    • 100

    Web server:

    A server that receives a request for data and replies with the requested document is referred to as a web server. To put it another way, it's a computer program that complies with a request for a particular document and transmits it to the client system.

    To provide HTTP material to the client computer, web servers were created. Most of the time, web servers are essential components of application servers. In order to provide the desired content, web servers take HTTP requests and interpret them.

    Application server:

    A server that has the purpose to produce dynamic content is known as an application server. In order to deliver the specialized features provided by a company, service, or application, it is a software framework that converts the data. Depending on the context of the request, application servers improve the interactive elements of a website.

    Web containers and EJB containers are both found on application servers. Enterprise application environments are completely the responsibility of application servers. These servers are able to support both the RPC/PMI and HTTP protocols. In comparison to web servers, application servers need more CPU and memory.

    The majority of application servers include a web server as a core component, therefore an application server can carry out all the functions that a web server can.

    Web server Application server
    Designed to deliver static content like HTML pages, images, and videos Designed to run dynamic content and business logic
    Retrieves static content from its file system and sends it to the user's web browser Retrieves dynamic content from a database or other data source, processes it, and sends it back to the user's web browser
    The web application runtime environment is provided by a web server. The runtime environment for business applications is provided by application servers.
    HTTP Protocol is supported by web servers. RPC/RMI and HTTP are supported by application servers.
    Web server Deliver web content to clients Application server Execute backend business logic for applications
    Examples Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS Examples Java EE application servers like JBoss, Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, Microsoft .NET application servers like IIS

