How to check if quota is enabled in your hard disk partition?


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  • John_Accuwebhosting
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 120

    How to check if quota is enabled in your hard disk partition?

    You may want to check if disk quota is enabled in your server partition or not. Just do the following to check it:

    Edit /etc/fstab file. You will find screen something like below:

    LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1

    You can see usrquota,grpquota lines in /home partition that means quota is enabled for user accounts and group for the partition /home.

    If the quotas are not enabled then you can enable it via following below steps.

    1. Enable quotas per file system by modifying /etc/fstab
    2. Remount the file system(s)
    3. Create the quota files and generate the disk usage table
    4. Assign quotas

    John D.
    Support Technician,
    Windows based hosting
    Linux based hosting