Can anyone guide me on changing the PHP configuration on a Dedicated server?
How to change the PHP configuration on a Dedicated server?
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How to change the PHP configuration on a Dedicated server?
Last edited by admin; 11-01-2022, 04:31 AM. -
To change the version of the PHP environment on the dedicated server:
You can switch the PHP version on the dedicated server using the EasyApache (Apache Update) module in the WHM left-hand menu.
1. Back up your installation through the Download button and begin the configuration process through the Customize profile option.
2. Choose the Apache version for a new configuration build. The selection affects the number of available PHP modules and some specific settings, so keep the default value if you want to switch the PHP version.
3. Then, you can choose the PHP version you require. If the desired PHP version is not in the preference list, ensure you have the most delinquent cPanel version and update it if required.
4. Finally, you can choose additional web server modules which should be added to the web server setup.
Keep the default choice if you are doubtful about whether you need additional modules or not - you can always rebuild the setup again if required. Finally, click Save and build to finish the configuration process.
5. Read messages carefully in the pop-up windows and proceed with the rebuild.
6. Wait until the rebuilding process is finished; depending on your selected options, it may take some time.
Note: Do not interrupt the process, as you will have to start from the beginning; meanwhile, your websites could have gone offline because of the unfinished configuration.
7. You should see the Build complete message at the end.
Your server is now running with the PHP environment version of your choosing.