Noah Classifieds is the software for managing online classified ads. It requires 1 MySQL database, Php4 script module and 1.66 MB of disk space.
cPanel makes it so easy to install Noahs classified in your domain, few easy steps and you are done!!
- Enter your cPanel.
- Click on the icon named Fantastico (if it is not available in your control panel then either there is something missing in the Fantastico installation on your server or your hosting provider do not provide Fantastico!)
- Click on Noahs classifieds and now click on New Installation.
- Provide the directory name where you want this installation to be done. Leave the Install in directory empty to install in the root directory of the domain (you can access it via . If you enter a directory name then you can access it via , this directory SHOULD NOT exist, it will be automatically created!
- Provide the admin username and password as desired.
- Click on the button Install Noahs Classifieds.
Thats it. Installation is complete.
Now, to login to the admin control panel, access the URL where you have installed it. Suppose, if you had mentioned temp as the installation directory then you can access it by , you will see the below shown page:
Click on login and provide your admin username and password. Here, you can manage your classified admin area.
To know more about the features of Noahs Classified you can visit the below mentioned URL: