Complete Windows Website Migration with Web-content, Database and SSL Certificate

About the Project
Service Sector : Real Estate Sign Posts
Client runs a business to manufacture and distribute Real Estate Sign Posts, Yard Posts, Frames, Sign Hardware etc.
Their purpose is to help Real Estate Agents to sell more properties and get more listings. All of their operations, product development, and manufacturing efforts are designed for this. They build the signboards that will attract their client in a positive way. They also make customized signboards with unique colors.
The client was running his website at another provider, where he was facing some issues and wanted to migrate the service to us. He purchased windows based SSD VPS Pearl Plan and provided us the control panel details to migrate all of his web-content, Database, and SSL Certificate. He also wanted us to create a website and database at our hosting environment and upload the data directly so he can directly update the DNS, and the website can run from our server efficiently.
We had already delivered the server to the client before we received his request for data migration. After receiving the control panel details, we verified the credentials and proceeded with the migration.
(1) Website Migration :
We have created a website in IIS using the SolidCP control panel. We created an FTP account in his provided control panel and uploaded the web-content directly to the wwwroot folder. We used a Filezilla FTP client to migrate the web-content to his server with us.
(2) Database Migration :
We created the same database in MSSQL Server on his VPS at our end and downloaded the database from his control panel to his server. Further, we uploaded and restored his database from SQL Management Studio.
(3) SSL Migration :
The migration of the SSL Certificate is very easy. We just asked the login details of his existing VPS. From the IIS >> SSL Certificate option, we got the .PFX file and export it to the server at our end. We imported the PFX file and uploaded it to the same location of his new VPS. Also, we completed the website bindings with the IP Address in IIS.
Client had verified his data at his end after completion of all the 3 steps mentioned in solution. He was ok with that and changed the nameserver of his website to point his new VPS. After nameserver migation website was up and running fine.