How do I activate an event on a Windows Dedicated server?


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  • Delaney martin
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2022
    • 114

    How do I activate an event on a Windows Dedicated server?

    So I'm trying to turn on the VDay event on my dedicated hosting. I run it through Windows Xbox Play anywhere over Xbox. I know the command is ActiveEvent=vday, but I can't extrapolate where to put that to make it go. Does anybody know? Feels like I'm missing something fundamental here.
  • wisly.k
    Senior Member
    • May 2022
    • 105

    To activate an event on a Windows Dedicated server, follow these steps:

    1. Log into your account using RDP.

    2. Click on the "Start" button, then "Administrative Tools," and finally, "Event Viewer."

    3. In the left pane of Event Viewer, expand "Windows Logs" and select "Application."

    4. In the right pane, find the event with the ID you want to activate, right-click it, and select "Enable Log."

    5. Close Event Viewer and restart your computer.

