How to unlock a mdb file


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  • Manuel_
    • May 2005
    • 120

    How to unlock a mdb file

    Goto website properties in IIS and unload the pooled iis app and you can gain access.

    or try to restart the only that doamin using iis.
  • kilter
    • Oct 2009
    • 79

    Re: How to unlock a mdb file

    The solution is incredibly simple, as will be this article. Unlock MDB does exactly what the name says – unlock protected MDB files of MS Access database. The program recovers MDB passwords for the MS Access documents the trick to unlocking the hold on the MDB file is to simply throw it a query that will cause an error. The easiest way to do that is to attempt a select from a table that doesn't exist.

    Unlock MDB - Access Password Recovery program can do the following:

    *Recover lost Access database passwords
    *Copy the recovered password in a clipboard.
    *Recover access password instantly.
    *Recover multilingual passwords.
    *Unlock & unprotect protected .mdb files of MS Access
    Last edited by admin; 04-28-2012, 02:40 AM.


    • paulrobert
      Junior Member
      • Apr 2010
      • 3

      Re: How to unlock a mdb file

      The solution is incredibly simple, as will be this article. The trick to unlocking the hold on the MDB file is to simply throw it a query that will cause an error. The easiest way to do that is to attempt a select from a table that doesn't exist. Code like this should do the trick (unless you're really strange and actually have a table named "whereveryoucanfindthem" and a field named "cutemeerkats").

      <cfquery name="unlockmdb" datasource="dbnamegoeshere">
      SELECT cutemeerkats
      FROM whereveryoucanfindthem

      Place this snippet into a file (I call mine die.cfm), and then run it whenever you need to unlock the database. It could even be extended to accept a datasource name via the query string and unlock any database on your machine, but I'll leave that to anyone who wants to try it as an experiment (my goal here is for simplicity).
      Last edited by admin; 08-06-2015, 06:17 AM.


      • adamhawk
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2010
        • 4

        Re: How to unlock a mdb file

        As a ColdFusion newbie about a year ago, I can distinctly recall the frustration of dealing with Microsoft Access database files which had been "locked" by the ColdFusion Application Server accessing them. I can remember being unable to delete or overwrite older database files, and trying stupid workarounds like uploading newly named databases (and having to change the resulting ODBC System DSN).


        • jacobwallace
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2014
          • 7

          its very simple, many free online software available which unlock the mdb file very easily in internet.


          • Christian J
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2022
            • 100

            If you have a Microsoft Access database that you want to access but the password is locked, there is a way to open it.

            1. You will need the password.

            2. Open the database in Microsoft Access.

            3. Select File > Open and locate the MDB file you want to open.

            4. Please select it and click Open. Finally, Enter the password you obtained from the database owner and click OK.

