Howto: Install PHP on Windows 2003


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  • Manuel_
    • May 2005
    • 120

    Howto: Install PHP on Windows 2003

    1) Download latest version of PHP from
    2) Unzip contents to c:/php
    3) Copy all files from c:/phpdlls to c:/windows/system32
    4) Copy all files from c:/phpsapi to c:/windows/system32
    5) Copy c:/phpphp.ini to c:/windows/php.ini

    6) Open IIS, and add a "Web Service Extension"
    7) Call the extension "PHP"
    8) set the path as c:/windowssystem32/php4isapi.dll
    9) set the status to "allow"
    10) Right click the "Web Sites" folder, and select properties
    11) On the "Home Directory" tab, select "Configuration"
    12) Click "Add", then browse to c:/windows/system32/php4/isapi.dll, set the extension as .php, and deselect "Verify that the file exists".
    13) Click Okay
    14) Apply the setting to all sites.
    15) Restart IIS
    Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 05-14-2016, 05:14 AM.
  • kilter
    • Oct 2009
    • 79

    Re: Howto: Install PHP on Windows 2003

    I have not specifically seen the problems you are describing, but here are some things you can check that come to mind -

    1) Use your phpinfo(); test script and look near the top of the listing to see if and where PHP is looking for the php.ini file. Make sure that this matches where you placed the php.ini as part of the installation, otherwise it is not using any php.ini. Also check further down in the listing to see if the mysql extension is shown.

    2) There is a path listed within the php.ini for the extensions .dll folder (which is typically a folder within the PHP folder or where ever you installed PHP.) Make sure that the path for the extensions folder is set correctly.

    3) The problems don't seem to be related to mysql, but the default php.ini does not enable the mysql.dll. If mysql does not show up in the phpinfo(); listing, find this line in php.ini - extension=php_mysql.dll and remove any semicolon at the start of the line to uncomment it. Restart the web server and/or reboot the server to cause the change to take effect.

    4) There is also a doc_root path in the php.ini that must be set correctly.

    You might re-download PHP, your copy might be corrupted or might be missing files. Also, all the files might not have been copied onto the server.


    • miceclaire
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 3

      Re: Howto: Install PHP on Windows 2003

      1. install PHP (the easiest step, like having a baby is to raising a child)
      2. Configure PHP (lots of php.ini editing)
      3. Configure IIS (lots of pointing and clicking in IIS Manager)
      4. Test it! (checking to make sure PHP is working on your server)
      5. Troubleshooting (let's hope you don't need this section :-P)


      • admin
        • Mar 2007
        • 36

        Re: Howto: Install PHP on Windows 2003

        With he latest windows servers, you can install Web Platform Installer and by single click you can install PHP on your Windows System with that.


        • Jcplumbing
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2012
          • 3

          Re: Howto: Install PHP on Windows 2003

          I am new to PHP and IIS. I installed PHP 5.2.5 and am running IIS 6 on Windows 2003 Server x64. I have followed every instruction found and am still unable to launch our PHP website correctly. I copied the website content to a Windows XP machine and followed the same instructions and was able to launch the website on the XP Machine. Can anyone please help me install PHP correctly on Windows 2003 server and help me configure it. Please please help

