1) Download latest version of PHP from www.php.net
2) Unzip contents to c:/php
3) Copy all files from c:/phpdlls to c:/windows/system32
4) Copy all files from c:/phpsapi to c:/windows/system32
5) Copy c:/phpphp.ini to c:/windows/php.ini
6) Open IIS, and add a "Web Service Extension"
7) Call the extension "PHP"
8) set the path as c:/windowssystem32/php4isapi.dll
9) set the status to "allow"
10) Right click the "Web Sites" folder, and select properties
11) On the "Home Directory" tab, select "Configuration"
12) Click "Add", then browse to c:/windows/system32/php4/isapi.dll, set the extension as .php, and deselect "Verify that the file exists".
13) Click Okay
14) Apply the setting to all sites.
15) Restart IIS
2) Unzip contents to c:/php
3) Copy all files from c:/phpdlls to c:/windows/system32
4) Copy all files from c:/phpsapi to c:/windows/system32
5) Copy c:/phpphp.ini to c:/windows/php.ini
6) Open IIS, and add a "Web Service Extension"
7) Call the extension "PHP"
8) set the path as c:/windowssystem32/php4isapi.dll
9) set the status to "allow"
10) Right click the "Web Sites" folder, and select properties
11) On the "Home Directory" tab, select "Configuration"
12) Click "Add", then browse to c:/windows/system32/php4/isapi.dll, set the extension as .php, and deselect "Verify that the file exists".
13) Click Okay
14) Apply the setting to all sites.
15) Restart IIS