Security Certificate Processing


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  • Jason
    Hello John,

    Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We have noted this.

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  • ezdbr
    OK Thanks

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  • Jason
    Hi John,

    Noted this.

    We will attempt for onward technical liasions with 3rd party SSL providers.

    FYI, if you purchase GEOTRUST SSL or FREESSL from accuwebhosting, we complete all the communication (including technical and billings) with these providers on behalf of customers.

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  • ezdbr

    Well, all I am saying is that as the technical liason, you guys should be handling the interaction with Thawte, not the customer.

    As mentioned earlier, I had to email you several times to get the required information, as well as interact with Thawte. Since you are charging for the service, Accuweb should be doing this, not the customer.

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  • Jason
    Hi John,

    I am not talking about the thwate. But we've some past experience with some 3rd party company who delayed replying our ticket for more than 3-4 days. It always results in customer unsatisfaction.

    Some 3rd party companies are demanding to purchase their PAID COUPENS for receiving supports.

    So, in most cases, we try to deal with the trusted partners only.
    Last edited by admin; 08-16-2015, 09:58 AM.

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  • ezdbr

    What does "no profit" mean??

    In any case, I think your whole premise is a bit off. I think Thawte will respond to anyone who is deemed the technical contact for a web site. Why wouldn't they? To not do so would impede their core business..which is selling certs.
    Last edited by admin; 08-16-2015, 11:07 AM.

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  • Jason
    Hi John,

    Basically any business relationship with 3rd party requires offering them heavy business.

    Looking at the competitior of thwate like geotrustssl and other party, they are offering the same 128 bit security certificate at very affordable rates compared to what thwate is offering.

    So, basically, we are not planning any business tie-ups with them, but we are planning to offer this certificate installation service at no profit. This policy change is to assist valueable customers like you.

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  • ezdbr
    So do you plan to establish a relationship with them?

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  • Peter2001
    No, I did not mean to say that Thawte did not provide us necessary support I referred to our earlier experience in which we did not receive necessary and timely support because we did not have any business ties with them.

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  • ezdbr
    <<On several occasions in the past we did not receive sufficient cooperation on getting necessary information from the unknown parties>>

    What unknown parties? Are you referring to Thawte?

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  • Peter2001

    The reason behind our inability to provide support through all the steps of SSL installation was that we do not have any business ties with Thawte group of which you posses the SSL.

    On several occasions in the past we did not receive sufficient cooperation on getting necessary information from the unknown parties and therefore we provided you only those services for which we are charging i.e. (1) SSL installation and (2) procuring IP Address.

    We, however, welcome your suggestion to provide SSL Renewal Service and wish to assure you that we shall try to extend all possible assistance in this procedure in future.

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  • ezdbr
    started a topic Security Certificate Processing

    Security Certificate Processing

    With my prior hosting service, certificate renewal was handled automatically. I just had to send an email replay comfirmation to process the request.

    I just had to renew my Thawte certificate and had to go through all the steps myself (except for actual installation) in order to renew. I had to send several emails both to Thawte and Accuweb to accomplish this. Accuweb does NOT provide the needed information to complete the renewal. (for example, the CSR and full technical contact information).

    I think Accuweb should provide this renewal service. The policy now is..."you do the legwork , and we charge you for it"!
    Last edited by admin; 08-16-2015, 09:58 AM.