here are six important reasons why your DNS records may not be updating:
1. Propagation Time:
DNS changes can take time to propagate across the internet. The Time To Live (TTL) value in your DNS records determines how long the old information is cached, and changes may not be immediately visible.
2. Incorrect DNS Settings:
Typos, incorrect IP addresses, or misconfigured record types can prevent proper DNS updates. Double-check your DNS settings to ensure accuracy.
3. DNS Cache:
Local devices, web browsers, or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may cache DNS information. Clear the DNS cache on your local machine and try accessing the site from a different device.
4. Registrar Propagation Delays:
Changes made through a domain registrar's control panel may experience propagation delays. Check with your registrar for any known delays or issues.
5. Incomplete DNS Update:
Ensure that you've updated all necessary DNS records consistently across all DNS providers if applicable.
6. DNS Provider Issues:
Check if your DNS provider is experiencing technical issues or delays. Visit their support or status page for information, and consider reaching out to their support for assistance.
DNS records are not updating
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