Important Benefits of CloudLinux


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  • JackThomas
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 3

    Important Benefits of CloudLinux

    What are the most important benfits of using CloudLinux over CentOS?
  • webdios
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2018
    • 1

    There are multiple benefits for using cloudlinux over centos if you are in the shared hosting industry. 1. High stability by controlling the resources for a single user

    As we know, this technology is based on LVE (Light weight Virtualized Environment). Each user in the server will be in a caged environment.

    In a shared server, the most common reason for downtime is a single account on the server using most of the resources and slowing down other domains on that server. In CloudLinux, LVE will help to overcome this problem. 2. High server security

    With CageFS enabled in CloudLinux based servers, the data/information of a user won?t be available to other users. Hence it prevents a large number of security vulnerabilities. 3. High server efficiency

    Resource monitoring technique in CloudLinux helps to eliminate the need to leave the server resources in an idle stage. We can create more number of users in a CloudLinux servers by comparing to traditional servers. 4. Hardened kernel

    It can protect against symlink attacks and trace exploits.
    Last edited by Marc_AccuWebHosting; 08-11-2018, 05:02 AM.


    • JessicaJohansso
      • Mar 2018
      • 25

      Ok, Got It, I also want to know about it in details. I will try it,


      • WarnerK
        • May 2020
        • 34

        It improves server stability, density, and security by isolating each tenant and giving them allocated server resources. This creates an environment that feels more like a virtual server than a shared hosting account. By doing so, CloudLinux OS reduces operating costs and churn rates, and increases profitability.

