install WordPress on an already existing website


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  • Ryaan J.
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2022
    • 108

    install WordPress on an already existing website

    Hello everyone,
    Can you please guide me that, Can I install WordPress on an already existing website? Any help highly appreciate.
  • Delaney martin
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2022
    • 116


    Yes, you can install WordPress in a subdirectory. To add WordPress to an existing website, you'll usually require access to your web hosting account.

    Before making any modifications, it's crucial to create a backup of your current website and its database. This ensures you can return to the previous state if any issues arise.

    Step 1. Create a subdirectory under the root directory

    1. Log into your CPanel account.
    2. Navigate to Files and choose File Manager.

    3. On the left side of the page, you have an option for a public_html directory.
    4. Click on Folder to create a subdirectory, add an appropriate name for your subdirectory, and click Create New Folder.

    Step 2. Download WordPress

    1. Download the latest WordPress version from

    2. Extract the files.

    Step 3. Create a database for the subdirectory

    Every WordPress site requires a database to store post content, user settings, and more.

    1. Log into your CPanel account.
    2. Scroll down to Databases and choose MySQL Databases.

    3. Add a name to the database and click on Create Database.

    4. Now, let's create a new database user. Scroll down to Add New User under MySQL Users. Select a username and create a strong password for this user. Click on Create User to complete the user creation process.

    5. Now, add the created user to the database.

    6. On the following page, assign all privileges to this new user, and then click on Make Changes.

    Step 4. Upload WordPress file to subdirectory

    Choose all the files within this directory & upload them to the newly created subdirectory on your live site.

    Step 5. Run WordPress on your subdirectory

    1. Visit your subdirectory, and your URL is
    2. Choose a suitable language and click on Continue.

    3. Enter the information, such as database name, username, password, and hostname.

    4. Provide the necessary information on the next page, and click Install WordPress to proceed. Ensure you disable search engines from indexing this site until you've completed the development.

