How to set auto suspend rule in Modern Bill?


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  • Shane
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 264

    How to set auto suspend rule in Modern Bill?

    Hello All,

    In order to set auto suspension rule via below mentioned steps:

    1) Login into Modern Bill as admin.
    2) Click on Tools -> System Config.
    3) Click on automation settings -> Auto suspend settings.
    4) Set first, second and final notice time period in X days.
    5) Click on save changes to applu it.


    Shane G.
  • BanneyHill
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2

    Re: How to set auto suspend rule in Modern Bill?

    ModernBill was designed not only to be a billing system, but to be a billing automation system. While it is possible to use ModernBill without automation, it was built with the assumption that users will set up the system to be run, by and large, automatically. Setting up automation requires two main steps: configuring ModernBill with settings that do not conflict, so that when various events are run no conflicts occur, and setting up a cron job on your server to run the events themselves. If you are using a Windows server, you will need to set up an event in your event manager.

    All events, whether they were created by default or by another system process, are placed into the system queue. Some of the rules that govern how these events carry out their tasks can be configured in the administrative interface. There are also a small number of settings in the main configuration file that may affect the way the system queue is run. For a detailed ddiscussion of how to properly set up the system queue settings

