Hello All,
One need to follow below mentioned procedure to install AWStats:
First, one needs to download and install Perl on their web server. This can be downloaded from below mentioned URL:
Perl.com: The Source for Perl -- perl development, conferences
Please refer perl documents on installing and configuring it. Below mentioned is the procedure to install AWStats on web server:
Steps 1: Setting up Statistics logging in IIS
In order to work AWStats correctly one need to make sure that IIS is correctly set up to log website statistics because AWStats is based on IIS logs.
Step 2: Installing AWStats:
2.1 - Download AWStats from below mentioned URL:
URL: SourceForge.net: Downloading ...
2.2 - Double-click the file to start the installation process.
2.3 - Use C:\AWStats for the folder structure.
2.4 - At the DOS prompt, type none and press Enter.
2.5 - Type N for NO:
2.6 - The AWStats installation procedure is now finished.
Step 3: Installing AWStats on Websites:
There are two choices and one need to choose installation type:
- Installing AWStats to an existing site
- Installing AWStats to a customers sub domain site
3.1: Installing AWStats to an Existing Site:
- Open IIS and go to the site on which one need to set AWStats then right-click on that domain -> Choose New -> Virtual Directory.
- Type AWStats, and choose next:
- Choose the AWStats path to be C:\AWStats\wwwroot and choose Next:
- Check the Read, Run scripts and ?Execute boxes, and click Next to finish.
- Locate the AWStats virtual directory under their site in IIS, right-click it and choose Properties.
- Click the Directory Security tab and click the Edit button. For the username and password, enter the HELM_ADMIN user/password or other Windows Administrator username and password combination, and reconfirm the password to finish.
3.2: Installing AWStats to a Customers Sub-domain Site:
One must ensure that server have a static IP available on the site.
- Open IIS, right-click on Web Sites and choose New > Web Site:
- Call it AWStats, and choose next.
- Select the static IP you want to use for the site, and click Next:
- Enter the path to the AWStats wwwroot folder (by default, C:\AWStats\wwwroot), and click Next:
- Check the Read, Run scripts and Execute boxes, and click Next to finish.
- Go to the AWStats site in IIS, right-click and choose Properties.
- Click on Directory Security tab and click Edit button. For the username and password, enter the HELM_ADMIN user/password or other Windows Administrator username and password combination, and reconfirm the password to finish.
Step 4: AWStats Configuration from HELM Control Panel:
Please log into the Helm control panel and follow below mentioned steps:
- Go to Home -> System Settings -> Global DNS Settings.
In there, add a new custom DNS Zone Record of type A (Host Record), give it a name in order to see stats (e.g. stats or AWStats), and for the Record Data enter the IP of the site which just set up. Any new domains that get added will now have the stats record added into DNS, so when they visit stats.domain.com, they will get taken to the AWStats page.
Step 5 : Setting up an AWStats Scheduled Task:
The last thing to do is setup the scheduled task for updating the stats automatically every day. Below mentioned are the steps to complete the procedure:
- Go to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Scheduled Tasks.
- Right click on the window and choose New -> Scheduled Task. Name it AWStats Update:
- Open the task and set the correct paths to the UpdateStats.bat file, and the cgi-bin folder. Choose the HELM_ADMIN user or another Administrator user for the task to run under. One can change the scheduled times to run whenever is convenient. It is recommended to run it everyday.
AWStats is completely installed and set up. You now need to go into Helm and configure it to use your new AWStats build.
Once AWStats is installed on a domain, the path to get to a users stats is as follows:
http:// [AWStatsURL]/awstats.pl?config=domain_dot_com
Where AWStatsURL is the path to the AWStats site on your web server and domain.com is the name of their domain.
Shane G.