How to increase maximum emails per hour limit for a single domain?


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  • John_Accuwebhosting
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2006
    • 120

    How to increase maximum emails per hour limit for a single domain?

    By default, many Linuxserver providers allow to send 60 emails per hour for a single domain on a shared Linuxserver. However, it is quite possible to change this defalut value to something else. It can be done from /var/cpanel/maxemails file.

    You just need to edit this file and add an entry like " = 100". Once you add this entry, will be able to send 100 emails per hour.

    Note:- Do not forgot to execute below script after updating the file /var/cpanel/maxemails.

    John D.
    Support Technician,
    Windows based hosting
    Linux based hosting
  • fmosse
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 1

    Re: How to increase maximum emails per hour limit for a single domain?

    I am interested in doing that in my server (I have WHM too). Can you please explain me how should I proceed, step by step? (I just how to login through SSH )



    • kenn
      • Aug 2008
      • 36

      Re: How to increase maximum emails per hour limit for a single domain?

      Kindly follow below mentioned procedure to increase sending mail limit:

      1. Login as root through SSH.
      2. Edit the file using the below mentioned command:

      pico /var/cpanel/maxemailsperdomain/

      3. Enter the value e.g. 100 and save the file.
      4. Once you enter the no. in the file save the file and remember to restart exim services by executing the following command :


      Changes have been made. However, for monitoring purposes, you may execute the following command :

      tail /var/log/exim_mainlog

